Harper College

Green Campus

Climate Commitments

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Harper College is a signatory of the Climate Leadership Commitments. The Climate Leadership Commitments engage colleges and universities across the US in reducing campus-wide greenhouse gas emissions. Since 2010 Harper has been striving toward its greenhouse gas reduction goals through the implementation of Harper’s Climate Action Plan and newly updated Net Zero Report. View Harper's Climate Action Plan, Greenhouse Gas Reports and Progress Reports on the Second Nature reporting website. 

Greening Campus Operations

Eight bike racks are spread out across campus to accommodate bicycle parking needs. There are two covered bike parking options: in the parking garage and between Buildings P and C.

See all bike rack locations on the campus map.

Free Water! Harper College has over 50 bottle filling stations on its main campus, plus additional stations at the Learning and Career Center (LCC) and the Harper Professional Center (HPC).

BYOBottle and find the nearest filling station – its free! See all bottle filling stations on the campus map.

Harper College has two electric vehicle charging stations, each with two charging ports.

Find them in Lot 1 and Lot 14

Harper participates in an energy curtailment program designed to help ensure the stability of the electrical grid during periods of high demand, such as those created by extreme temperatures.

If called upon to act, Facilities Management will:

     - Turn off lights in public areas that have natural light sources
     - Adjust the thermostats by a few degrees

What can you do?

     - Turn off any unnecessary lights and turn off office lights when you leave for the day
     - Unplug all chargers and small appliances (such as coffee makers)
     - Use natural light when possible
     - Close your blinds to keep your space cool
     - Turn off your computer monitor when you leave for the day

Our participation in this energy curtailment program helps lower carbon emissions, protect the electrical grid and keep energy prices down. Thank you for your cooperation.

Aqueous ozone - Harper's environmentally friendly cleaning systems transforms ordinary tap water into a commercial cleaner by infusing it with ozone. Electricity is pumped through the unit and turns oxygen molecules to ozone. The ozone is infused into water, creating a stabilized aqueous ozone solution. The final product is a safe, environmentally friendly, and cost-effective way to clean. 

Harper College has four buildings built to LEED silver standards, meaning the buildings were built with efficiency, resource use reduction and the environment in mind.

     - Building D (Duchossois Family Education Center)
     - Building F (David K. Hill Family Library) 
     - Building H (Career and Technical Education Center)
     - Building M (Foglia Foundation Health and Recreation Center)

Harper College has installed motion sensors in a majority of campus classrooms, motion sensorhallways and offices and gathering spaces. This is a way to ensure electricity is only being used when a space is occupied, reducing the College’s overall energy usage.

See if you can spot one the next time you walk through campus!